Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Meaning: Not behaving or thinking in an ordinary or accepted way; not conventional; odd

  • Everyone said she is eccentric but I found her adorable.

Synonyms: Abnormal; Erratic; Odd; Peculiar; Strange
Antonym: Orthodox

Memory Trick:

Eccentric: Link with: Asian + Trick:

Imagine Asian girls and boys playing tricks on tourists to earn dollars…...Isn’t their way of earning money eccentric?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Meaning: Highly enthusiastic; bubbling with excitement; exuberant

A person overflowing with enthusiasm might be said to be ebullient.

Chameli became ebullient when the handsome and affluent gentleman proposed her for the marriage.

When Sabu heard that she had broken the world record, she was ebullient.

Synonyms:Enthusiastic; Exuberant; Exhilarated; elated; vivacious; zestful

Antonyms: Depressed; Gloomy; Morose

Memory Trick:
I. Ebullient: Link with Bablu + Client:

Bablu was ebullient when his client accepted the proposal and kissed him in front of the staff.

II. Ebullient: Link with Bull:

When Bull saw such a beautiful and sexy cow, he was ebullient.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Meaning: to outline; to describe; shed light on; to describe accurately

  • Amrit delineated his plan so that everyone in the club would have a basic understanding of it.

Synonyms: describe, depict, sketch, outline

Memory Trick:

I. Delineate: Link Deli (=Delhi) + N + eate (=eat):

Dilli Chaudhary delineated on his plan to visit Delhi and described what he is going to eat there.

II. Delineate: Link it with Delhi + Alien + Eat:

During my excursion I saw two Alien chasing a hapless cat in Delhi. Finally they caught the cat and ate it. How is the description? So delineate means to describe something accurately.

III. Delineate: Sounds like Delhi + Neat

Dilli described Delhi as a clean city. So delineate means to describe.

IV. Mr. Harke interestingly delineated a series of activities he performed in his first date.

V. Delineate: Sounds like daily net date:

The picture vividly delineates activities of the daily online dating.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Meaning: Shy; timid; lacking in self-confidence; lacking or marked by lack of self-confidence

  • Bipin’s adroitness to solve mathematical tutorials was masked by his diffident behavior, which often made teacher think that he was a simpleton.

Synonyms: reserved, unassertive, bashful, hesitant, doubtful, insecure

Antonyms: outgoing, loquacious, brazen

Memory Trick:

I. Diffident: Diffid (Defeat) + ent (student): Defeated student behaved diffidently in front of the winner.

II. Diffident: Rhyme with Pepsodent: The diffident student did not make a single comment on his teacher suggestion to buy Pepsodent.

III. Diffident: Rhyme with Pepsodent:

Even the deadly germ acts diffidently before Pepsodent.

IV. Diffident: Diffident is the opposite of confident.

V. Most of us act diffidently while communicating in English. Therefore, English teacher always has to give a lecture on how to act confidently.

VI: It is incredible; my diffident friend became confident after brushing her teeth with Pepsodent.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Meaning: Sad because of unexpected failure; dispirited and depressed; dejected; brought low in spirit

Synonyms: Disappointed; Depressed; Discouraged; Dejected; Despondent; Disconsolate

Antonym: Elated

Memory Trick:

I. Helen was crestfallen when she opened her Valentine present; all she got was bra and panty.

II. Chris was crestfallen at his poor performance.

III. Crestfallen=Crest (Top of a slope or hill) +Fallen:

Imagine you and your girl friend are sitting on the top of a hill. Suddenly, a handsome gentleman comes and takes away your girl friend. How do you feel? Happy or crestfallen?

IV. Crestfallen=Crest (Top of a slope or hill) +Fallen:

Whenever you fall from the top position of your career; it is natural to feel sad and depressed.


Meaning: cowardly; weak; timid

Synonyms: pusillanimous, timid, timorous, poor-spirited, diffident

Antonyms: audacious, intrepid, intrepid, mettlesome, plucky

Memory Trick:

I. Craven: C + Raven: Raven (/fj0f) was a coward man because he abducted Sita in the absence of Ram.

II. Craven: Rhyme with Steven/Van: Steven acted cravenly while asking his father to buy a van.

III. Craven men/women will not stand up for what they believe in.

IV. The craven lion cowered quietly as the boy reached to pet him.

V. Rather than fighting with the representative of hell, craven representative of heaven ran away.

VI. Spiderman is too craven to share his feeling with Superman.

VII. Craven: Crave (plead or ask for earnestly) + n: Coward men plead or ask for earnestly.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Meaning: Bold; Shameless; Impudent
  • The student entered the exam hall with notebook and copy on his hands, which was a brazen but foolish attempt.
  • Everyone was horrified by the Chairperson’s brazen attempt to fire the most hardworking employee.
  • Principal could not tolerate the brazen act of disrespect and suspended the student for a week.

Synonyms: Bold; Audacious; Insolent; Presumptuous

Antonyms: Apprehensive; Diffident;

Memory Trick:

I. Brazen: Bra + Zen

I saw a lady driving her stylish ZEN car wearing only an innovative BRA in Thamel at 11 PM. How was the attempt of the lady? Really bold and shameless!

II. Brazen: Rhyme with Laden:

Mr. Bin Laden made a brazen attack into the USA territory few years before.


1. Loud and full of energy; Loud, unrestrained and high in spirits
  • The politician won the election after giving several boisterous speeches on his vision for country’s development.
  • I prefer watching movies than attending boisterous parties.
2. Stormy; Rough; Turbulent
  • Due to climate change, the frequency of boisterous wind has increased globally.
Memory Trick:

I. Boisterous: Sounds like boys at terrace
Boys sitting at terrace become boisterous automatically whenever foxy ladies pass through them.

II. Boisterous: Link with Boys: Boys are usually boisterous in nature.

III. Boisterous but good-natured England fan cheered for English team throughout the game.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Meaning: deviating from what is normal; deviant or abnormal

Synonyms: Unnatural; Strange; Eccentric; Anomalous
Antonyms: Normal

Memory Tricks:

I. Aberrant:

Is not this an aberrant act? Yes, it is. I was surprised by their sudden act of aberration (Something not typical). Common ladies>>>Can't you find some gentleman for that.... (lol)

II. Aberrant: A + Berra (a}/f) + Ant: I can not hear you my friend because i am deaf, i.e. abnormal
III.Aberrant: Sounds like (Aber) ca]/ + Parent:
Suddenly, if all the girls of Kathmandu started going to disco instead of school and coming home late (ca]/) for instance; at 1 AM; then definitely parents will be worried with their daughters aberrant behavior. So aberrant gives the meaning of abnormal.

IV. Despite the team full of star players, England is still struggling for the knock out stage. Such a terrible performance in the league matches from English team is certainly aberrant.

V. Two-headed snake is an aberration (something not typical) of nature.

VI. Aberrant:Ab (Prefix meaning away) + Errant (Straying from the right course or from accepted standards): So Aberrant means not normal i.e. abnormal


Meaning: to be embarrassed or ashamed

Synonyms:Disconcert; Discomfit
Antonyms: Encourage; Delight

Memory Tricks:

I. Abash: Ab (Abhishek) + Ash (Aishwarya)
Sallu Bhai was abashed when Aishwarya ditched him and married Abhishek Bachan.

II. Abash: Ab (Abhishek) + Ash (Aishwarya)
Abhishek Bachan was abashed when Aishwarya kissed Hritik Roshan in Dhoom 2.

III. Abash: Sounds like Subash/cash
Subash was abashed when he discovered that he had no cash to spend for honey moon in Hawaii.

IV. Abash: Sounds like Subash/Ass
Subash was abashed when Aishwarya's puppy kissed on his ass.

V. Sounds like:asaf;/:ofaf;

In the annual general assembly; Prakash enthusiastically presented his ideas that can boost the selling rate of the company. He was so cool that he was not abash at all when boss commented asaf;instead of :ofaf;on his presentation.

VI. Fabio Capello felt abashed when fans booed the English team for their dull performance against Algeria.