Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Meaning: Bold; Shameless; Impudent
  • The student entered the exam hall with notebook and copy on his hands, which was a brazen but foolish attempt.
  • Everyone was horrified by the Chairperson’s brazen attempt to fire the most hardworking employee.
  • Principal could not tolerate the brazen act of disrespect and suspended the student for a week.

Synonyms: Bold; Audacious; Insolent; Presumptuous

Antonyms: Apprehensive; Diffident;

Memory Trick:

I. Brazen: Bra + Zen

I saw a lady driving her stylish ZEN car wearing only an innovative BRA in Thamel at 11 PM. How was the attempt of the lady? Really bold and shameless!

II. Brazen: Rhyme with Laden:

Mr. Bin Laden made a brazen attack into the USA territory few years before.

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